Life in the rear-view mirror

Life in the rear-view mirror

lørdag 25. februar 2012

World Snowboarding Championship etc

I don’t usually watch TV a lot (something that comes from living in a student apartment with TV or internet connection) but last week I was stuck for a few days watching the World Snowboard Championship live from Oslo! I could not believe the amount of coverage this was getting, as you don’t see a lot of snowboarding on Norwegian television. Way to go NRK! It’s about time too, as they certainly manage too fit enough skiing into their schedule. Surely they could cut out some of that ski-flying crap and some reruns of everything, to fit in Air & Style and the X-Games at least? Snowboarding is the only sport you will ever catch me watching on TV, and I was defiantly prepared to sit it all through. This is really good entertainment! I think the best part was the halfpipe finals. The level was crazy all around, so the results were pretty much wide open all the way to the end. Unfortunately, none of the Norwegians made it this far. But the Norwegian commentators were ready to adopt any of our neighbours, so the Finns would do.
Anyway, I figured I better work on my drawing skills and was on the lookout for something to draw. So I ended up doing a portrait of one of the contestants, Markus Malin. It’s my first ever portrait done with permanent markers and I’m not very good at doing portraits in the first place. I ended up messing it up, so I did another one in ballpoint pen. I’m working on figuring out this technique, as pencil drawings are more of my speciality, but I gave it a go. Even though the similarity isn’t exactly striking, I’m pretty happy with it. A little pop-art-ish I think :P

portrait of Markus Malin

At the moment I’m building up the courage to go for an education within arts and/or design instead of becoming an engineer like my parents wants me too. I don’t know what it’s going to be yet, as this is a very half finished plan. And I’m planning to leave it at that as I’m worried the smarter part of my head will get the better of me.

While I was writing this I had a bit of an accident. I had just picked up a bottle of water when I realized there was something stuck to the bottom of it. I flipped it over to see what it was, wandering what had infested our fridge as this was where the bottle had just come from. As I was inspecting this sticky, brown substance I could see my dad leaning towards me in my peripheral vision. Then he goes “KA DU DRIVE MED?!” (what are you doing?) and I looked up to realise he was not talking about the stain. Turns out I had removed the cap, so the water was flowing out and, this is where it gets good, straight onto my laptop keyboard. This is so typical! But it actually turned out good. I just turned it off and left it upside down to dry. I even seems like all the keys still work.