Eg skreiv i utganspunktet dette innlegget til den andre bloggen min so det er på tvilsom engelsk, bare å beklage, men eg er for lat til å skrive det om til norsk :)
Like a lot of people I used to sleepwalk when I was a kid. Most people stop doing it as they get older though, I didn’t. It’s been a few years since the last time anyone has seen or heard me do anything but mumble in my sleep, but sometimes I will wake up to find that I’m wearing something that I’m sure I wasn’t wearing when I went to sleep. That way I know I’m still doing it.....
A few days ago I woke up to find that my right ankle was feeling sore. I took a look at it and was slightly shocked to see that I had a fresh wound there that looked like it had been bleeding quite a bit and was now swollen. Right above it I had two red marks and I could tell I was going to get bruises. I was a little bit freaked out by this. It seems pretty bizarre to get hurt during the night while sleepwalking. What had happened? What had I been up to? Besides from that it is beyond me how I could get hurt like that without waking up. It must have hurt, but since I didn’t remember anything I couldn’t have woken up I think. The whole thing was a little bit scary. When I woke up, before noticing what had happened to my ankle I was already suspicious that I might have been up and about in the night. The reason was that I thought the cloths lying next to my bed had been shifted. This leads me to think that I have been walking around too. If you ever been sleepwalking you probably know what a weird feeling it is to see things hinting that you’ve been doing something, but not being able to remember what or even if you’ve done anything. You might have walking around, seen stuff, done stuff, said stuff and you will probably never be able to remember it. It’s like it never happened to you, but it did. You might have walked around in public half naked or you might have been acting all crazy. It’s a bit like somebody else have been borrowing your body and you’re wondering what they did to it! It’s a super strange thought for sure.....
I’m just a little bit freaked out because it’s the first time in years that I have proof the I’ve done something in my sleep besides mumbling and moving stuff next to my bed...
maybe you shall have a "skjult kamera" and have some mjøl on the golv, that you can see where you are going in the natta. :p when we was a kid, i dont remember that you was going rundt and says ting when we sleep over hos kvarandre.. lol :p but but, it isn't only only you know ;) som petter solberg says: "I came with a great fart and dishappered as a prikk in the sky" (i only must have it med when i skriver like this :p )
SvarSlettVELDI bra engelsk silje! eg e stolt av deg :D høyres ut som ei steikje go plan du! ditta må eg teste :P